1914 may day queen (willamette university)

vote for one

vote for one

cover of may day booklet

the 1914 willamette university may day booklet. who will be queen?

mary pigler queen of may

miss pigler. nic’s grandmother is may queen. ‘a wonderful woman,’ nic says.

line of women

the queen’s maids of honor & attendants


& of course, the maidens dance around the maypole. folklorists attribute the maypole to german & austrian tradition with much folkslorist debate. a willamette university tradition in 1914.

may day 1914 copy

nic says, ‘this had to be taken from the capitol building.’

senior breakfast

& how about those traditions around seniors? here is the senior breakfast 1914. willamette university.


a letter arrives for miss mary pigler. no zip code. Ore. not OR.

garden party

a garden party may 28, 1914.  99 years ago this may 2013 young ladies are honored. cleaning the attic cleaning the closets cleaning the cedar chest cleaning my life. i began this slog of a blog with nic’s valentines to me & then a visit to the pioneer cemetery where his piglers are interred. it’s a dance around the maypole for nic & me.


4 thoughts on “1914 may day queen (willamette university)

  1. McMahon , Pigler & Heist a wonderful law firm !!!
    Glorious photographs from an age of style .
    Happy Valentine’s day to you in the far west xxxx Cathy


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